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Get Out of Your Rut Part 2

Are you in a rut of the same old thinking, the same old results? last time we were together we shared three steps to get out of your rut:

1. Assume responsibility for your rut

2. Believe that you can change

3. Clarify what you wanted to change


Today, we're going to talk about number four, Don't wait for ideal circumstances, the perfect time to act will never come. Ecclesiastes says, “If you want perfect conditions nothing will ever get done.” Perfectionism produces procrastination. Waiting for the right time tends to paralyze. We keep telling ourselves it’s not the right time and if it's not perfect. The truth is the time to begin is now.

Step five. Exercise, eat properly, and rest your body. Fatigue causes procrastination, and many people feel too tired to change. It takes energy to make significant changes in your life. So take care of yourself. Sometimes it’s the most important action you can take is in order to get out of a rut. Pay attention to your physical, your mental rest, and your food intake, regular exercise, these things will give you the energy you need.

Number six. Do it now. Three essential words for getting out of the rut are, “Do It Now.” If you say, “Well, I'll do it someday,” that someday never comes. The great tragedy of life is wasting our energy. Dreamers are a dime a dozen, but it's the person that takes action that makes a difference. Faith without action is worthless.

And what are the things that are holding you back? Are you blaming someone else for your inaction? Do you believe you can't get out of the rut? Have you little idea of what you’d really like to do? Have you been waiting for the perfect moment? Do you fail to take good care of yourself? Well, ruts don't need to last forever. The integrity of a person refuses to abide in the ruts. It gives us power to step out of ruts when we live with integrity.

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